Saturday, July 7, 2007

Goals this Sem =)

  1. Go get that uno!!!
  2. focus focus #1.. .hheehhe ;-p
  3. Self Dicipline : needs first, before wants
  4. learn to relax =)
  5. do makeover.... ( no more nerd type of guy!!!)
  6. self-improvement
  7. improve life.... =))
  8. master the art of T-I-M-E M-A-N-A-G-E-M-E-N-T...!!
  9. cram is a no no!!
  10. try to lose excess baggage
  12. read Sidney Sheldon's Rage of Angels
  13. balance work and play
  14. try to join UST taekwondo club...
  15. room makeover.. =)

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